Our guest author today is Floyd Bland, author of The Christian Heritage: God’s Answers for a Searching World. You can find it here on Amazon.

Floyd Bland


Stacie: Welcome Floyd to CoverDesignStudio.

Floyd: Thank you for the opportunity, Stacie.

Stacie: Let’s begin with a little about you and the influence your Christian faith has had on your writing.

Floyd: As I share in my book, I’ve always heard testimonies from people who were able to give the precise moment when they first met the Lord, but I never could. I can say that I met him early in life, and that I have been living for him from that time until now to the best of my ability. I must hasten to add that I was blessed to be a part of a Christian home.

For instance, I wrote The Christian Heritage because I strongly believe that we can strive toward moral and spiritual Christ-likeness daily and become the closest resemblance to his perfection on this earth. Empowered by his Spirit, we can conduct ourselves in ways that are never detrimental to the health, welfare, safety, or esteem of others.

Stacie: The Christian Heritage: God’s Answers for a Searching World describes several attributes. If there is a single message you want to communicate through the book, what is it?

Floyd: I would suppose that the central message would be our need for simple, child-like faith. Not faith in our works, but in the works that our Lord Jesus Christ performed on our behalf at Calvary (that we were both unwilling and incapable of doing ourselves). And if perfection is to be found in this life, it will be found in Christ, who will produce a life within us that will be in stark contrast to our former life of sin.

Stacie: Many people reading this interview are in the process of writing a book right now. What can you tell them about the process of writing, and way in which you maintained the discipline to finish?

Floyd: My advice is not to try and do it all at once, and don’t expect immediate results or acceptance. (My book took a number of years to complete, but the impact it has had on others have made it well worth the effort.) Be patient and persistent.

I started with an idea, created an outline, then I wrote something regularly. Then the editing began. Much of it I did myself, but I also utilized professional editors to proof my work just before submitting my work.

There are a number of Indie Publishers out there. I decided to use CreateSpace/Kindle and IngramSpark. I would recommend doing your homework and then using a company you feel most comfortable with. Cover Design Studio was also very helpful with providing a suitable cover for my book as well.

Stacie: What was the easiest aspect of the book? What was the hardest?

Floyd: Both the easiest and the hardest aspect of the book was writing it. I love the Lord and thoroughly enjoy writing. So, expressing God’s love and forgiveness through Christ in my writings invigorated me. However, decisions about what to keep and what to discard was a very difficult process for me because there was so much I wanted to write about the Lord’s that I’ve experienced over the years.

Stacie: What outside resources did you use as research or support to produce the book itself?

Floyd: My seminary training helped me here, Stacy. I do not imply that seminary training is a prerequisite to becoming a published author. I am stating that the books I read and the authors I followed while in school and in my personal devotions over the years, have helped me to cultivate a passion that is expressed in The Christian Heritage. In the book, I acknowledge a number of these authors and books.

Stacie: Your passion for the subject matter comes through very strongly. Can we expect to see more books from you in the future?

Floyd: Absolutely. There are other works that are in the development stage at this time.

Stacie: Is there anything else you think is important to share that we haven’t covered?

Floyd: Yes. First, I want to thank you, Stacie and Cover Design Studio for your assistance with the cover and for this opportunity to express myself here. The kindness and professionalism demonstrated by your team is greatly appreciated.

Also I want to say that it is my prayer that the Lord will use The Christian Heritage to help strengthen the reader’s Christian faith and life.

Stacie: Where can people learn more about you and your book?

Floyd: Not Of This World Ministries, Inc. features The Christian Heritage on its website at: www.notwm.org. In addition, the book can be obtained through online bookstores such as Amazon/Kindle and Barnes and Noble/Nook as well. Again, thank you Stacie and God bless!